It is used to render SVG code snippet. The specific type is as follows:
type SVG = {
type: 'svg';
x: number;
y: number;
w: number;
h: number;
angle: number;
detail: {
svg: string;
The basic attribute details of the element can be viewed Element's Detail #.
SVG.detail Data-Type
The Data-Type of SVG.detail
type SVGDetail = {
svg: string;
SVG.detail 数据属性内容
Property | Description | Type | Default | Required | Others |
svg | HTML code snippet | string | - | true | - |
const elementSVG = {
name: 'svg',
x: 160,
y: 100,
w: 200,
h: 200,
angle: 0,
type: 'svg',
detail: {
svg: `<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" width="400" height="400"><path d="M512 1013.76c-277.11488 0-501.76-224.64512-501.76-501.76S234.88512 10.24 512 10.24s501.76 224.64512 501.76 501.76-224.64512 501.76-501.76 501.76z m0-51.02592c248.9344 0 450.73408-201.79968 450.73408-450.73408 0-248.9344-201.79968-450.73408-450.73408-450.73408-248.9344 0-450.73408 201.79968-450.73408 450.73408 0 248.9344 201.79968 450.73408 450.73408 450.73408zM456.9856 637.9008l295.45984-339.94752a26.4192 26.4192 0 0 1 37.59616-2.31936 28.32896 28.32896 0 0 1 3.10784 38.8608l-307.01568 380.38016a30.72 30.72 0 0 1-42.90048 4.84864L235.44832 556.2368a32.128 32.128 0 0 1-5.74976-44.6464 32.1536 32.1536 0 0 1 44.544-6.58944l182.74304 132.90496z" fill="#1890ff"></path></svg>`